
My name is Morgan, and these are my creations. This is the part where you give me your email address, and I promise not to be annoying.

You’ll get the first look at everything I create, exclusive offers, and a peek at the inspiration behind the work. If this sounds cool, you know what to do!



This series started as a joke between two friends having a drink over a few too many hits in life. During a particularly low season, there was comfort in escaping to familiar and trusted company. It became so frequent that I started to hear Allison’s voice in my head saying certain phrases that only she says, in the exact way only she says them. My brain already subconsciously takes notes like this with all of my loved ones, but we joked that Allison was becoming the narrator of my life.

Well, here we are making a joke into a beautiful joke… I told y’all this series was a little weird.

Here’s the thing, though… although this concept was light-hearted, and she may even be a little embarrassed by this spotlight, beyond that, it’s pretty meaningful. One major thing I was thankful for in 2024 was all the incredible people who impacted me to such a degree that they became a part of my subconscious soundtrack, hearing certain words and phrases in only their unique voices. How beautiful!

“I make my ramen the way a friend taught me in eleventh grade. Every fall, I listen to a playlist made for me by a boy I drove across a border to hook up with. I eat sushi because a girl who won’t talk to me anymore made me try it, and Indian food because my best friend’s parents ordered for me before I knew what I I liked. There are movies I love because someone I loved loved them first. I am a mosaic of everyone I’ve ever loved, even for a heartbeat.”
— Unknown

Just a compilation of everyone I’ve ever loved. No matter the season or length of the relationship, it’s beautiful how people imprint on you, even when they leave you. They’re never gone. The stains are left.

So here we are with the first few paintings in 2025 and, more importantly, the first paintings in a very long creative hiatus. It feels so good to get back to what I love doing and for the series of work to be silly and fun. I really just wanted to play again and get back to why I paint in the first place.

So here is my attempt at visually depicting the audible narrative of my beautiful friend, Allison. I can already hear her saying, “You’re crazy for that” in my head.

- 💛

